Nut-Free Vegan Ranch Dressing Recipe - From My Bowl (2024)

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Skip the store and make your own nut-free Vegan Ranch at home! Made with only 9 healthy ingredients, it’s perfect for salads, dips, and drizzling over pizza

Ahhh, Ranch Dressing. I don’t know about you, but that plastic blue-and-green bottle was pretty much a childhood staple for me, making its way onto salads, veggies, and many a pizza crust.

While I did enjoy Ranch quite often growing up, my love affair with this creamy, garlick-y, and herb-y dressing came to an abrupt halt once I ditched dairy….until recently, that is. Not only have I come up with a plant-based dressing/dip that tastesexactly like the original, but it’s also made with only9 plant-based ingredients and is totallynut and sugar free!

Nut-Free Vegan Ranch Dressing Recipe - From My Bowl (1)

The secret to my Vegan Ranch success?It’s all in the combination of ingredients, namely:

  • Fresh andDried Herbs: store-bought Ranch is full of spices and herbs, some more prominent than the others. After several rounds of testing I’ve come up with the perfect combination of fresh and dried ingredients to get you that flavor kick you crave, without breaking the bank.
  • Hemp HeartsandCoconut Yogurt: cashews are expensive, and I wanted to make a cost-effectiveand nut-free Vegan Ranch dressing, so everyone can enjoy! Hemp Hearts are a great option (that are also packed with plant protein), but usingall hemp made the dressing taste a little too earthy and bitter. Adding in a touch of Coconut Yogurt helped to get the dressing to the right creaminessand mimics that classic buttermilk flavor! Coconuts aretechnicallycategorized as a nut by the FDA (even though they are scientifically a fruit), but most people with a nut allergy can still enjoy them. If that’s not the case, you can substitute soy or oat yogurt instead.

Nut-Free Vegan Ranch Dressing Recipe - From My Bowl (2)

How to Make Vegan Ranch Dressing

Quite simply, add everything to a blender….and blend! You don’t even need a fancy blender for this recipe – a bullet blender will work just fine. This Vegan Ranch will be pourable and ready to enjoy straight out of the blender, but will thicken in the fridge. If you’re making it for meal prep, I suggest adding in a little extra water or thinning it out later right before you use it.

Either way, this creamy, dreamy, and well-spiced dressing will be yours in just 60 to 90 seconds…

Nut-Free Vegan Ranch Dressing Recipe - From My Bowl (3)

Vegan Ranch Flavor Variations:

This recipe makes a classic Vegan Ranch flavor, but you can also mix it up with a few flavor variations, such as:

  • Jalapeño Ranch: add 1 chopped and de-seeded jalapeño to the blender with the other ingredients
  • Chipotle Ranch:add 1/4 tsp chipotle powder or 1/2 of a chipotle pepper in adobo to the blender, plus more to taste
  • Garlic Ranch:this basic ranch recipe already has a mild garlic flavor, but feel free to add in a few extra fresh (or roasted!) cloves to really bring the zing
  • Sriracha Ranch: add 1 tablespoon of sriracha hot sauce to the blender with the other ingredients
  • BBQ Ranch: add 2 to 3 tablespoons of your favorite barbecue sauce to the blender with the other ingredients

As you can see, the list is practically endless!

Nut-Free Vegan Ranch Dressing Recipe - From My Bowl (4)

Serving Suggestions for Vegan Ranch Dressing:

  • Tossed with your favorite salad,
  • As a dip with crackers or crunchy veggies
  • Drizzled over buffalo-flavored tofu or casseroles,
  • and as a dunk for vegan pizza crust, of course! 😉

If you’re looking for more vegan dressing recipes, you’ll also love this Sesame Miso Dressing, this Creamy Cilantro Dressingand this Vegan Chipotle Mayo!

Nut-Free Vegan Ranch Dressing Recipe - From My Bowl (5)

Finally, if you make this recipe and decide to share it on Facebook or Instagram, don’t forget to tag me @FromMyBowl + #FromMyBowl! I love seeing your delicious recreations 🙂


Nut-Free Vegan Ranch

Nut-Free Vegan Ranch Dressing Recipe - From My Bowl (6)

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★★★★★5 from 7 reviews

Skip the store and make your own nut-free Vegan Ranch at home! Made with only 9 healthy ingredients, it’s perfect for salads, dips, and drizzling over pizza

  • Author: Caitlin Shoemaker
  • Prep Time: 5 Minutes
  • Cook Time: 0 Minutes
  • Total Time: 5 minutes
  • Yield: about 1 cup 1x
  • Category: Dressing
  • Method: Blender
  • Cuisine: American




  1. Add the hemp hearts, yogurt, vinegar, garlic, onion powder, nutritional yeast, paprika, salt, and water to a high-speed or bullet blender. Blend for 60 to 90 seconds, until smooth and creamy. Add additional water, if desired; the dressing will thicken once refrigerated.
  2. Add the dill and parsley to the dressing and pulse quickly to combine. Let the dressing sit for at least 10 minutes to allow the flavors to combine.
  3. Serve as desired; store leftovers in a sealable glass container and keep in the fridge for up to 10 days


  • Substitutions:coconut yogurt can be replaced with any other variety ofunsweetened non-dairy yogurt, and you can also use apple cider vinegar or coconut vinegar in place of white vinegar
  • Dried vs. Fresh Ingredients:I would suggest using the fresh/dried ingredients as originally listed in the recipe, but you can replace the fresh garlic and dill for dried spices, if you must

Keywords: vegan ranch, dairy free ranch, nut free ranch, oil free ranch, healthy ranch dressing, paleo ranch dressing, easy ranch dressing

Nut-Free Vegan Ranch Dressing Recipe - From My Bowl (2024)
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