LGBTQ+ librarians grapple with attacks on books — and on themselves (2024)

Idaho librarian June Meissner was closing up for the day at the downtown Boise Public Library when a man approached her asking for help.

What You Need To Know

  • Worldwide Pride Month events are underway but they are coming at a time when many people who identify as LGBTQ+ say they are facing increasing difficulties at work, ranging from being repeatedly misgendered to physically assaulted

  • Gender nonconforming library workers in particular are grappling with growing calls for book bans across the U.S., with books about gender identity, sexual orientation and race topping the list of most criticized titles and making the attacks more personal

  • The American Library Association documented the highest-ever number of titles targeted for censorship in 2023 in more than 20 years of tracking

  • Maia Kobabe’s coming-of-age story ‘Gender Queer’ was the most criticized library book for the third straight year

As an information services librarian, answering patrons' questions is part of Meissner’s day-to-day work, and serving the community is one of her favorite parts of the job.

But when the man got close enough, “he took a swing at me and tried to punch me in the head,” said Meissner, a transgender woman. “I blocked it and he started yelling slurs and suggesting that he was going to come back and kill me.”

Worldwide Pride Month events are well underwayto celebrate LGBTQ+ culture and rights. But it is coming at a time when people who identify as LGBTQ+ say they are facing increasing difficulties at work, ranging from being repeatedly misgendered to physically assaulted.

Gender nonconforming library workers in particular, like Meissner, are also grappling with growing calls for book bans across the U.S., with books aboutgender identity, sexual orientation and race topping the list of most criticized titles and making the attacks all the more personal.

“When we see attacks on those books, we have to understand that those are attacks on those kinds of people as well,” said Emily Drabinski, who is the president of the American Library Association and is gay. “To have my identity weaponized against libraries and library workers, the people and institutions I care about the most, has made it a difficult and painful year.”

The ALA said it documented the highest-ever number oftitles targeted for censorshipin 2023 in more than 20 years of tracking — 4,240. That total surpassed 2022’s previous record by 65%, with Maia Kobabe’s coming-of-age story "Gender Queer" topping the list formost criticized library book for the third straight year.

Lawmakers are increasinglyconsidering lawsuits, fines and even imprisonmentfor distributing books some regard as inappropriate, including in Meissner’s home state of Idaho. Lawmakers there passed legislation that empowers local prosecutors to bring charges against public and school libraries if they don’t keep “harmful” materials away from children.The new law, signed by Idaho Gov. Brad Little in April, will go into effect on July 1.

“I do think that a lot of that political speech around it does make things more dangerous and worse for me,” Meissner said. “It is so much politicking and getting the general public riled up.”

LGBTQ+ librarians grapple with attacks on books — and on themselves (1)

June Meissner poses for a photo at the Boise Public Library in Boise, Idaho on Thursday, June 6, 2024. Meissner, a transgender woman and librarian, blocked a punch from a man yelling slurs while working at the library. (AP Photo/Kyle Green)

Meissner’s attacker was arrested andconvicted, and she says that while the vast majority of her interactions at work are positive, she still struggles to let her guard down and is constantly assessing whether a situation could turn unsafe.

“As somebody who is working face to face with the public and trying to help people as much as possible, that really does get in the way,” she told The Associated Press, describing how she waits to make eye contact with a patron "and then, based on what I see when they look at me, that’ll tell me whether or not I should just be on edge, be wary.”

Florida-based conservative nonprofit Moms for Liberty, which describes itself as a parental rights organization and refers to its members as “joyful warriors,” has been at the forefront of a nationwide push to remove books that deal with race and gender identity.

But co-founder Tiffany Justice says the organization — which she says has more than 300 chapters in 48 states and more than 130,000 active members — is not anti-LGBTQ+, although Justice herself told the AP she thinks that the Q in the acronym, which stands for queer or questioning, “needs to go into the trash bin.” And according to the ALA's Office for Intellectual Freedom, about 38% of book challenges that “directly originated” from Moms for Liberty activity have LGBTQ+ themes.

Justice said Moms for Liberty challenges books like "Gender Queer" — a graphic novel about a young person’s struggle with gender identity that contains illustrations of sexual contact, masturbation and a sex toy — because they view the material as sexually explicit, not because they cover LGBTQ+ topics.

“The least interesting thing about a child should be their sexual orientation,” Justice said. “Why are we flooding them with sexual content?”

Despite the thousands of petitions to censor books about gender and sex, legal standards for deeming materials obscene or harmful to minors — and therefore not protected speech under the First Amendment — are very specific and high, and courts havehistorically sided with libraries, according to Vera Eidelman, a staff attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union who focuses on rights to free speech in the digital age.

“The mere fact that something is describing sex, describing nudity, even depicting those things, is not enough to make it qualify as obscenity," she said.

Regardless, the book banning movement has in many cases successfully restricted access to materials in which LGBTQ+ youth can see themselves depicted.

As of June 1, Louisiana libraries must allow parents or guardians todecide which books their child can check out. M’issa Fleming, a public librarian in New Orleans who uses they/them pronouns, says the new law could make it even more dangerous for queer and trans kids, who are already athigher risk of being victims of violence, substance use and suicidethan their straight, cisgender peers. And losing access to LGBTQ+ themed books may cause kids to turn to less reliable sources like Reddit.

“Public libraries could be offering as many ways as possible to make it less dangerous to learn about yourself, and the law just added another challenge,” Fleming said.

Chaz Carey, a children's librarian in Worthington, Ohio, knows firsthand how powerful books can be. Alison Bechdel's 2006 graphic memoir “Fun Home," in which the author comes to grips with her sexual orientation, changed Carey's life as a teenager.

“I felt seen. It was like my whole body just let out a breath," said Carey, who is queer and uses they/them pronouns. “It is just so important that these books remain on shelves. They save lives.”

Carey says being a children's librarian is a dream job, but the rise in book challenges and anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric takes a mental toll. They are frequently misgendered at work, including by some patrons who go out of their way to do so while airing their political beliefs.

“The political environment is just an extra kind of weight as we navigate our lives and our places in our community," said Carey, who chairs ALA's Rainbow Roundtable, which aims to serve the information needs of LGBTQ+ people.

For Carey, what helps is “taking some time to feel sad, but then choosing queer joy and pride.”

LGBTQ+ librarians grapple with attacks on books — and on themselves (2024)


What is the fear of librarians? ›

Library anxiety refers to the "feeling that one's research skills are inadequate and that those shortcomings should be hidden". In some students this manifests as an outright fear of libraries and the librarians who work there.

What does a librarian do? ›

Librarians and library media specialists typically do the following: Create and use databases of library materials. Organize library materials so they are easy to find. Help library patrons to conduct research to evaluate search results and reference materials.

What is a librarian for kids? ›

Reference librarians work with patrons of all ages and help them to find the right resources for their research. A librarian may specialize in a particular age group. For instance, a children's librarian must know about child behavior, children's literature, storytelling technique, and the teaching of reading.

What is the concept of library? ›

A collection or group of collections of books and/or other print or nonprint materials organized and maintained for use (reading, consultation, study, research, etc.).

Is Bibliophobia a real thing? ›

Bibliophobia is an intense fear of books or reading. It's a type of anxiety disorder. Books are almost everywhere, and they're difficult to avoid. Bibliophobia can cause physical symptoms, disrupt daily life, and affect success in school and work.

What is a Athazagoraphobia mean? ›

Athazagoraphobia is an intense or irrational fear of being forgotten, or of forgetting someone or something. It may also include a fear of being ignored or replaced. In some cases, this condition can be considered part of social phobia. An estimated 15 million Americans live with a social phobia.

Do librarians make a lot of money? ›

A career as a librarian has long been popular because of the job security and solid pay. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary for librarians today is $61,660. But the top 10%, most of whom have master's degrees in library science (or MLS), earn as much as $80,000.

Do you really need a degree to be a librarian? ›

A master's degree in library science (MLS), preferably from an American Library Association (ALA) accredited program, is necessary for most librarian positions in most public, academic, and special libraries. School librarians may not need an MLS but must meet state teaching requirements.

How old are librarians usually? ›

Librarian age breakdown
Librarian YearsPercentages
40+ years75%
30-40 years22%
20-30 years4%

Can a boy be a librarian? ›

While the ratio of female to male librarians remains roughly 4:1, top positions are more often held by men. In large academic libraries, there is less of a discrepancy; however, overall, throughout the profession, men tend to hold higher or leadership positions.

What is an interesting fact about librarians? ›

Given their innate love of stories, librarians are often eager to tell them, read them, even sing them if their talent goes there. Some librarians have been asked to perform at children's birthday parties!

Which is the biggest library in world? ›

The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world with millions of items a variety of formats. View detailed collection statistics.

Who is the father of the library? ›

S.R. Ranganathan (born August 9, 1892, Shiyali, Madras, India—died September 27, 1972, Bangalore, Mysore) was an Indian librarian and educator who was considered the father of library science in India and whose contributions had worldwide influence.

How should you behave in a library? ›

How to behave in the library
  1. Put books back to their places, once you do not need them (do not leave them on the desk)
  2. Do not occupy more than one place.
  3. Be quiet. ...
  4. If using your phone, turn off the ring tone. ...
  5. Do not cause damage to borrowed items.

What is a Bibliophobia called? ›

Bibliophobia is the fear or hatred of books. Such fear often arises from fear of the effect books can have on society or culture. Bibliophobia is a common cause of censorship and book burning. Bibliophobia and bibliophilia are antonyms.

Who is scopophobia? ›

Scopophobia is an excessive fear of being watched. People with scopophobia find social interactions extremely stressful because they think people are judging them. Some people avoid socializing altogether. The phobia can stop them enjoying everyday activities or impact their work or school life.

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potamophobia (uncountable) (rare) A morbid fear of rivers.

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Ophidiophobia is an extreme, overwhelming fear of snakes. It's more intense than the common, generalized fear of snakes. Ophidiophobia is an anxiety disorder that interferes with your daily life or sense of safety.

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