10 Perfect Places to Go Ice Skating in Greater Cleveland (2024)

ByScene Staffon Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 1:14 pm

Whether you prefer to hit the ice indoors or outdoors, skating season is in finally in full swing. Here are spots around the Cleveland area where you can speed into the action.

Whether you prefer to hit the ice indoors or outdoors, skating season is in finally in full swing. Here are spots around the Cleveland area where you can slide into the action.

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10 Perfect Places to Go Ice Skating in Greater Cleveland (1)

Outdoor Ice Rink at Halloran Park

3550 W. 117, (216) 664-4187

Price: $1 skate rental

Photo courtesy Halloran Rink

10 Perfect Places to Go Ice Skating in Greater Cleveland (2)

Ice Skate at Wade Oval

10820 East Blvd., Cleveland

From now until March 4, one of the most cliched date pastimes returns to Cleveland; Ice skating outdoors, under the twinkle of fairy lights and snow drifts. Wade Oval at University Circle offers free skating for all with $3 skate rentals.

Photo via Scene’s archives

10 Perfect Places to Go Ice Skating in Greater Cleveland (3)

Cleveland Heights Community Center

1 Monticello Blvd., (216) 691-7434

Price: $3 member adults/$2 member children/$5 non-member adults and non-member children/$2 skate rentals

Photo courtesy Cleveland Heights

10 Perfect Places to Go Ice Skating in Greater Cleveland (4)

Cleveland Skating Club

2500 Kemper Rd., Shaker Heights, 216-791-2800

Price: As this is a private athletic club, contact [emailprotected] for membership and rink hour information.

Photo courtesy Cleveland Skating Club

10 Perfect Places to Go Ice Skating in Greater Cleveland (5)

OBM Arena

15381 Royalton Road, Strongville, (440) 268-2800

Price: Public skate is $8, with $3 skate rental

Photo courtesy Ice Land USA

10 Perfect Places to Go Ice Skating in Greater Cleveland (6)

Public Square

Downtown Cleveland

Price: $10 (including ice skate rental) or $7 if you bring your own ice skates. Open through Feb. 28.

Photo courtesy Public Square/Facebook

10 Perfect Places to Go Ice Skating in Greater Cleveland (7)

Hamilton Ice Arena

21018 Hilliard Blvd., Rocky River, (440) 356-5656

Price: $4.75 adults weekday afternoons/$3.50 children 6 to 18/$1.50 children younger than 5/$3.75 seniors/$5.50 adults weekends and evenings/$4 children 6 to 18/$1.50 children younger than 5/$4.50 seniors

Photo courtesy Rocky River Parks & Recreation Civic Center

10 Perfect Places to Go Ice Skating in Greater Cleveland (8)

Thornton Park Ice Rink

3301 Warrensville Center Rd., Shaker Heights

Open Ice: limited to skaters who have passed Basic Skills Freestyle Level 5, Pre-Preliminary Moves or approval of Safety Committee (Visit http://www.shakerfsc.org/ for Shaker Figure Skating membership information)

Photo courtesy Shaker Figure Skating

10 Perfect Places to Go Ice Skating in Greater Cleveland (9)

The Pond

9999 E. Washington St., Chagrin Falls

Price: $6 Admission, Children under 5 years skate for free. Rental skates are only $4 per person.

Photo courtesy The Pond

10 Perfect Places to Go Ice Skating in Greater Cleveland (10)

Mentor Civic Ice Arena

8600 Munson Blvd., Mentor, (440) 974-5730

Price: Adults, 17 & Under $5, 60 & Over $5, with skate rental at $3.

Photo courtesy City of Mentor

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10 Perfect Places to Go Ice Skating in Greater Cleveland (2024)


Where do people play ice skating? ›

Ice skating may be performed on naturally frozen bodies of water, such as ponds, lakes, canals, and rivers, and on human-made ice surfaces both indoors and outdoors.

What is a large area where people go to ice skate? ›

A rink is a large area covered with ice where people go to ice-skate, or a large area of concrete where people go to roller-skate.

Where is ice skating most common? ›

Canada leads the world in estimated ice rinks per capita which provides ample opportunity for youth to learn how to skate and engage in the sport of figure skating.

Where is the largest ice skating rink in the United States? ›

Blaine, Minnesota

Is ice skating a sport yes or no? ›

Figure skating is a sport in which individuals, pairs, or groups perform on figure skates on ice. It was the first winter sport to be included in the Olympic Games, with its introduction occurring at the 1908 Olympics in London.

Why is it called a rink? ›

The word "rink" is a word of Scottish origin meaning, "course" used to describe the ice surface used in the sport of curling, but was kept in use once the winter team sport of ice hockey became established.

Is ice skating for tall people? ›

Actually, being tall is a hindrance to skaters. It's a lot more difficult to gain the necessary height/air time for multi-rotational jumps the taller a figure skater is. Being on the shorter side is a major advantage in figure skating. Taller people also have a longer way to fall than those of a shorter stature.

What is ice skate called? ›

There are five main types of ice skates: the figure skate, the ice hockey skate, the bandy skate, the racing skate, and the touring skate.

What is ice skating called? ›

The activity of ice skating has given rise to two distinctive sports: figure skating, which involves the performance of various jumps, spins, and dance movements; and speed skating and short-track speed skating, both of which are forms of racing on ice skates.

What is the average height of a female figure skater? ›

The average American female figure skater for example is a petite 5′ 3″ and 108 pounds. ThIs atheletes can range from very tall to very short.

Where did ice skating first start? ›

Ice skating probably originated in Scandinavia over 2000 years ago as a means of transportation. It was also practised on the canals of Holland during the Middle Ages. Early references to skating in England date from the 17th century.

How many people like ice skating? ›

Statistics show that more than 11.3 million Americans rollerblade. Ice skating has about 9.5 million participants. This does not include sports like ice hockey or speed skating.

What is the oldest ice rink in North America? ›

The Calumet Colosseum is an ice hockey arena in Calumet, Michigan, built in 1913. It is considered the oldest operating continuous-use ice rink in North America. It was only a few years younger than the Matthews Arena, which opened in 1910 and then burned down in 1918.

Where is the world's longest ice rink? ›

The 7.8-km (4.9-mile) Rideau Canal Skateway, which first opened over 50 years ago , opens new tab, is part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Canada's capital city Ottawa and is also a top attraction for skating enthusiasts seeking outdoor thrills during Canada's usually biting cold winters.

How many rinks are in the US? ›

Meanwhile, the United States was home to just over 2,100 indoor ice rinks and 500 outdoor facilities.

Where do the skate games take place? ›

The career mode for Skate takes place in the fictional city of "San Vanelona", or "San Van", for short. There are four parts to San Vanelona: the Suburbs, the Res, Oldtown, and Downtown.

Where do people skate in New York? ›

Roller skating in NYC
  • LeFrak Center at Lakeside Prospect Park. Attractions. Parks and gardens. ...
  • RollerJam USA. Attractions. Arcades and amusem*nts. ...
  • Pier 2 Roller Rink. Things to do. Brooklyn Heights. ...
  • Wednesday Night Skate. Things to do. ...
  • The Roller Wave. Things to do. ...
  • All Night Skate. Bars. ...
  • Central Park Skate Circle. Things to do.
Mar 29, 2024

Where is speed skating most popular? ›

An international federation was founded in 1892, the first for any winter sport. The sport enjoys large popularity in the Netherlands, Norway and South Korea.

What is skating on ice called? ›

Ice skating is essentially skating on ice – by moving the skates on the ice, one can move around the rink (or lake) either for exercise, leisure, traveling or various sports. Ice skating is a very generic term for four main types of sports – figure skating, short track skating, speed skating and ice skating.

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.